6. This Was Hinsdale (Mack Story)

Mack Tavern
Someone tell Hulk Hogan he’s lucky he wasn’t wrasslin’ in Hinsdale during America’s War of 1812 with Great Britain. 
Hinsdale had two taverns back then, busily catering to soldiers and freight-haulers on their way to battlefronts along Lake Champlain. 

“One snowy winter John Talcott Mack” (owner of Mack’s Tavern on what is now Maple Street) reported that “an Albany ‘bully’ had strayed way up to Hinsdale on a spree”. This is “From the Mack Genealogy” -- a powerfully built braggart who challenged anyone in the place to “throw him”. The locals sent for Elder Abraham Jackson, a nearby Baptist minister. 

The NY bully roared he’d toss the minister and his entire congregation! Bring him! (while displaying a substantial bet, which the men promptly covered). A “fleet horse and cutter” was sent for the Elder. This competition couldn’t match WWE’s wildest TV program -- the Elder gently engaged the fellow, and soon the “Albany’s chap's feet flew through the air...  Rev. Jackson laying him as gently as possible... upon his back” 

Were the Elder with us now, would he call out the Hulk? Only to Sunday services.