
Submit your completed application with three additional copies; be sure the application includes:

a. A plot plan that is drawn to scale.

b. Elevations, drawings, etc.

c. A $50.00 check to the Town of Hinsdale for a certified list of abutters from the Board of Assessors.

d. A $250.00 check made payable to the Town of Hinsdale for the application fee.

e. There will be an additional charge of $7.00 per certified letter notifying each abutter of the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting. This check will be payable to U.S. Postmaster.

f. There will be another check made out to U. S. Postmaster of $.58 per abutter notifying them of the Zoning Board of Appeals decision. 

g. Zoning Board of Appeals Clerk will notify the applicant of the number of abutters that are being notified.

File the original application with the Town Clerk. Then four copies should be left in the Zoning Board of Appeals Mail Box at the Town Hall (boxes are in the copier room). The public hearing will be posted in the Berkshire Eagle for two weeks before the hearing. There is a 20-day appeal period after the public hearing. After this period the applicant can pick up a certified copy of the decision at the Town Clerk's office. The decision must be registered at the Registry of Deeds.

***Please contact Terry Douglas at 413-655-2121 or by e-mail at diondoug@verizon.net if you have questions.***