Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, March 21, 2022

Downstairs, Community Room, Town Hall, 39 South Street, Hinsdale

posted 9:00am on 4/1/2022

Present was:  Jeff Viner-Chairman

Bruce Alexander-ZBA board member

Dion Douglas-Alternate ZBA board member

Terry Douglas-Clerk

Bob Graves-Town Administrator

Marilou Galliher-Town Clerk Asst

Richard Rossin

Joel Bard- Esq for the Town of Hinsdale

Richard Scialabba-selectboard Chairman by teleconference


Meeting called to order by Jeff Viner at 6:05 pm.


Jeff Viner asked Terry Douglas if the meeting agenda had been posted 48 hours before the meeting.  Terry Douglas replied it had.

Jeff Viner reminded everyone there would be no public comment and that the meeting was to go over the draft of the decision for Northgate.

Jeff Viner asked the ZBA board if they had received and read the decision and all replied they had,

Jeff Viner asked Dion Douglas if he had any concerns or changes to the decision draft.  Dion Douglas replied he felt the decision covered all points including that the proposed RV campground is not a summer camp and would cause a traffic impact on a narrow road.

Jeff Viner asked Bruce Alexander if he had any concerns or changes to the decision draft. 

Bruce Alexander replied there were a couple typos.  The first is on point 17 which uses the word traditionally but should be traditional.  The second is on point 21which states (to arrive or depart) but should be (to arrive at or depart).  Bruce Alexander stated other then these typos he was happy with the rest of the draft.

Jeff Viner also stated this was the first time the ZBA board has discussed the decision draft.

Jeff Viner asked that four more documents be added that had been received by the board.

Northgate’s Second Memorandum of Law, submitted by Jeffrey Scrimo, Esq., December 13, 2021.

White Engineering, Inc., December 14, 2021 letter, Supplemental Information.

Building Demolition Plan, dated December 27, 2021, prepared by White Engineering, Inc.

Limits of Clearing Plan, dated January 10, 2022, prepared by White Engineering, Inc.


Jeff Viner also wanted in section 16, Longview Avenue and Michaels Road added to the listing of neighborhoods.

Jeff Viner asked for a motion to add the documents, correct the typos and add streets to section 16.

Bruce Alexander seconded the motion.  Jeff Viner called for a vote and all voted aye.

Jeff Viner other then these changes he felt the decision speaks to what the board was thinking and why they are happy with the decision. 

Jeff Viner made a motion to accept the final decision with the changes.  Bruce Alexander seconded the motion and all three voted yes. 

Jeff Viner made a motion to have the authority to sign the final decision once the changes have been made.  Bruce Alexander seconded motion and all three voted yes. 

Jeff Viner stated that the decision can be appealed twenty days after it has been signed and received and by Town Clerk’s office.

Bruce Alexander asked Joel Bard if there had been any correspondence from Northgate and he said there had not be any. 

Bob Graves stated he would email the applicant once it has been signed and received by the Town Clerk’s office.

Jeff Viner made a motion to close the meeting.  Bruce Alexander seconded the motion.

The board voted unanimously yes.


Meeting closed at 6:22pm