Select Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Hinsdale Select Board

Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, July 13, 2022, at 7:00 pm

Community Room, Downstairs, Hinsdale Town Hall

39 South St, Hinsdale MA


Attendees: Earl Peck, Bart Collins, Robert Graves (absent); Clarissa Mitchell

At 7:00 pm Chairman Peck called the meeting to order. Bart Collins motioned to accept the previous meeting minutes, and Earl seconded it. All said, Aye. Earl Peck motioned to accept the carryforwards for FY22/23; Bart seconded it. All said, Aye. Chairman Peck motioned to accept funds transfer for Fuel and Gas, and Collins accepted. All said, Aye.

Communications and Reports from Department Heads, Boards, and Chairs:

·         We extended the bid date for the Transfer Station out one week on the advice of our engineer. It seems at least one bidder needed more time to see if they could do better on the material pricing, so we agreed. Bids will be opened on Monday at 10 am.


·         Municipal Resources, Inc. will be in town on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 26 and

This is the Consulting Firm looking at the possible merger of Police Departments. They are hosting meetings in both towns, and the schedule and the times are listed on the website. 

Next, Collins motioned to approve the one-day liquor license for Firemen’s muster event; Peck seconded it. All said, Aye. Then, Earl Peck motioned to appoint Laura Galliher to the Board of Assessors, and Bart Collins seconded it. All said, Aye. Chairman Peck noted that Dick Scialabba resigned from the Board of Assessors on July 12, 2022. 

Angela Stetson discussed the possibility of a plaque or sign on Middlefield Road in Memorium of Jim Sullivan’s passing. Bart and Earl told her to research it and come back to us with ideas. Shaun Galliher noted nothing had been appropriated for the project. 

Lastly, the Select Board wanted to look at what we charge for fees in the Town of Hinsdale and compare them to other Towns because the Board would like to raise some of them. Bart Collins motioned to table this discussion for further review, and Earl Peck seconded it. All said, Aye. 

Collins motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 pm, Peck seconded it, and all said, Aye.

Respectfully submitted,

Clarissa Mitchell


Clarissa Mitchell

Select Board Administrative Assistant

Town of Hinsdale

413-655-2300 ext.345