Select Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Community Room, Downstairs, Town Hall, 39 South Street, Hinsdale MA

​Posted at 11:30 am on 3/10/2022

Public could attend meeting in person or by zoom


Attendees: Richard Scialabba, Raymond Bolduc, Robert Graves; Clarissa Mitchell

At 7:00 pm, Chairman Scialabba called the meeting to order, asked if anyone was recording the session, and asked everyone in attendance to silence cell phones. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

A motion was made (Bolduc) and seconded (Scialabba) to accept meeting minutes presented for February 9, 2022, Select Board meeting. All said, Aye.

Communications and Reports from Department Heads, Boards and Chairs

  1. Rich Peters, the school committee representative, gave us an update on the school budget and more details to follow in the upcoming select board and finance meeting.

  2. Town Administrator Updates

  3. We have not yet submitted a response to Northgate; waiting on legal.

  4. We are still waiting on soil sample costs and if they will meet state requirements for the capping of the transfer station.

  5. Bids are out for vocational transport and town-wide mowing.

  6. Dredging for Plunkett Lake will begin soon. Bob has asked Caleb Mitchell to bring that to the Conservation Commission's attention to get that extended.

  7. The police contract draft has been sent to legal affairs and the officer's initial review. Both sides are pretty close to an agreement. The town administrator also updated the language and payroll questions in the document.

  8. Legal is reviewing the chapters for insurance issues that came up with the Zoning Board of Appeals to adopt the language at the Annual Town Meeting in May.

  9. The State and Eversource have been pushing municipalities to adopt green energy incentives.

  10. Lynne Baumgartner starts her new position as Treasurer/Collector on Monday, February 28th. She will post her office hours soon.

  11. The town will be applying for grants to fix Schnopp Rd., East Washington Rd., and the Maple St. Bridge.

  12. The town hall will closely monitor the DPW when they close the dam.

  13. The Select Board/Finance meeting for the FY23 budget will be held on March 12th.

Next, Bolduc mentioned he received a Homeland Security grant to get a new radio, and the town needs documentation of the grant.

Dick will be in Florida next month, and he will be at the meetings via zoom. In his absence, Scialabba motioned Ray to sign documents on his behalf, and Bolduc seconded it. All said, Aye.

Lastly, Chairman Scialabba made a motion to appoint Clarissa Mitchell, as a special town employee, to be the new assistant accountant and administrative assistant.

Meeting Adjournment: Since there was no other new business, Bolduc made a motion to adjourn, Dick Scialabba seconded the motion. Roll call vote required. All said, Aye. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Clarissa Mitchell

Richard B. Scialabba, Select Board Chair, Raymond Bolduc