Select Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Community Room, Downstairs, Town Hall, 39 South Street, Hinsdale MA

​Posted at 3pm on 4/29/2022

Attendees: Richard Scialabba, Raymond Bolduc, Robert Graves; Clarissa Mitchell

At 7pm, Chairman Scialabba called the meeting to order, asked if anyone else was recording this meeting, and asked if everyone could silence their phones. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Ray made a motion to accept the previous meeting minutes as presented. Dick seconded the motion; all said, Aye.

Communications and Reports from Department Heads, Boards, and Chairs:

  • Town Administrator:

    • It is estimated that the winter roads budget will be over by $34,000-36,000. One payroll was missed.

    • The FY23 budget should be approved by next week.

    • We have several capital project requests. TA Graves discusses all of the projects.

    • Hinsdale has done hazard and mitigation planning. Now the State has come out with climate change guidelines.

 Next, Selectman Bolduc motioned to accept the police contract; Dick seconded it, all said, Aye. The Select Board and Officer Elizabeth Zipp signed the three-year police contract. TA Robert Graves and Officer Zipp worked diligently to clarify the language in the contract and make the salaries somewhat competitive with other towns.

Chairman Scialabba read the “Fair Housing Month Proclamation” and motioned to make April Fair Housing Month. Ray concurred with what was said. All said, Aye.

Tim Lufkin requested a business certificate for his business called Lufkin’s Computer Services. Ray made a motion to approve the business certificate, and Dick Scialabba seconded it; all said, Aye. Dave Striebal also requested a business certificate for his dump truck that he will use to provide services. Bolduc made a motion to approve the business certificate, and Scialabba seconded it. All said, Aye.

Next, Wylie Goodman from BRPC presented the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy. Berkshire Regional Planning wants to engage the towns in Berkshire County and help them achieve specific economic development goals.

Lastly, Chairman Scialabba brought up a special permit application from Green Patriot because they want to be a non-profit, and it will be different ownership. Dick will bring the application to the Planning Board’s attention for a recommendation.

Meeting Adjournment: Bolduc motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 pm. Scialabba seconded the motion; all said, Aye.

Respectfully submitted, Clarissa Mitchell